About Tsutomu Asaba

浅羽 勤 -Tsutomu Asaba-
Born in Chiba Prefecture,Japan,in November,1963
本業であるビジネスの傍ら、世界各国を訪問し、地球の真実の顔【Earth theater】を撮り続ける“ネイチャーフォトグラファー”
Aside from his full time business, Tsutomu Asaba is a professional nature photographer exploring the world and capturing the true faces of the Earth
Tsutomu has also been giving back to society by founding a non-profit organization called “Beruna Child Support” in order to help orphaned children in Mongolia.
Graduated from Tokyo Gakugei University
During his 1 year time off from the university, Tsutomu went around the Australian continent by motorcycle. After coming back to Japan, he obtained a scuba diving instructor license.
株式会社 チーム・プレジャー設立。
Tsutomu worked as a scuba diving instructor at a dive shop in Tokyo and has trained over 500 scuba divers.
His dedication to work hard was recognized by a company recruiter, and he moved to a trading company of water sports.
In 1990,
Tsutomu moved to Yamaha Motor, a manufacturing company, from the trading company and was in the oversee marketing department being in charge of the African continent, China, and Europe.
His performance in each market has significantly contributed to the company’s sales.
In August, 1998, he resigned from Yamaha in order to make his “dreams” a “reality”.
After becoming independent from the company, he’s experienced multiple international businesses. Tsutomu has achieved a great success with a business in the dietary supplement industry and is now mainly expanding his business to Asia and the U.S.
In June, 2004,
Founded Team Pleasure Co., Ltd.
Since 2008,
Running as an executive director of a general incorporated foundation “Beruna Child Support”
In 2016,
His effort to help Mongolian orphaned children was recognized by the Mongolian government, and he’s been awarded a medal for distinguished services.

このような状況下、モンゴルダルハン市にある保護施設「太陽の子どもたち」では、貧しさのため、親に捨てられ、また生き別れた子どもたち40名を保護し義務教育を受けさせ、素晴らしい教師たちにより、子どもたちが自立し強く生きて行けるよう愛情深く細やかな教育がなされています。 しかし、国の援助は無く、経済的にも大変で、存続が危ぶまれていたこの施設の支援から、始まりました。 また、親がいても貧しさのために食事を与えられない未就学児のために月曜日から金曜日まで預けられる「24時間保育園」の支援を開始し、親と、子ども共にサポートしています。 最近ではダルハン市唯一の「障害児のための保育園」支援もスタートし、教師、医師の増員を始め、収容人員を増やすことができました。さらに親の負担を軽減するために、送迎交通費の8割負担も始めました。 私たちは、「太陽の子どもたち」と出会いからすべてが始まりましたが、さまざまな過酷な運命を背負った子どもたち、親たちが逆境にも負けず懸命に生きていく姿に心を打たれました。一人でも多くの子どもたちが、希望の持てる、人を信じられる人生を自らの力で掴み取れるよう、生き抜く力を蓄えるお手伝いをしていきたいと思います。
About Beruna Child Service:
Beruna Child Support is a non-profit organization that supports orphaned or handicapped children in Mongolia.
Due to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Mongolia, a country that has been still heavily dependent on Russian economy, has faced several challenges. Therefore, the country has still been suffering from economical growth. Additionally, due to a rapid rise in prices of commodities, many people in poverty are in even more severe situation now.
Under this situation, children have been abandoned by their parents and forced to live in the steam pipes under the ground where it’s warmer than outside. There is an orphanage named “Children of the Sun” to protect over 40 children in Darken, Mongolia. The facility had no financial support from the country and financially struggled to continue. Since 2008, Beruna Child Support has started to financially support this facility to operate. Those children have been now provided compulsory education by great teachers with love to be equipped with the ability to live independently. A 24-hour nursery school has also been founded to help parents who cannot afford to give their children food. Those parents can leave their children at the school from Monday to Friday so they can go to work.
Beruna Child Support recently has founded a nursery school for handicapped children, which is only one in Darken. It has been able to enlarge the scale of the school by increasing the number of teachers and doctors and expanding to accommodate more children. Meeting those children and parents has started from the orphanage “Children of the Sun.” Seeing the children with extreme hardship and the parents fighting against adversity and living diligently touched our heart. I continue to strive to support more children so they can have hopes and live a life where they can truly believe in people and become independent.
We have been operating Beruna Child Support since 2008 with strong aspirations of helping children achieve their dreams. Now, Beruna Child Support has expanded to livelihood, educational, and medical service and independence support.
Please also check out an article on “Children of the Sun” that was published on media in November, 2017.
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